


IntegrityBit: Employee Document Management – Human Resources Service Delivery (HRSD)

Employee Document Management |  Human Resources Service Delivery (HRSD)
By: Simon D. 
What is Employee Document Management in HRSD?

Employee Document Management utilizes the centralized capabilities on the ServiceNow platform to provide a one-stop-shop for handling a large number of documents. It provides storage space, a filing system, and easy access to retrieve the documents for improved efficiency and organization. Like many other features on the platform, it has several out-of-the-box solutions that can be immediately implemented.  To properly maintain documents, each file is placed in a respective category, referred to as a “document type”. Once a document type is defined, other data can be added to utilize the capabilities offered.

How does this benefit agents working within ServiceNow?

Several document definitions, including document type, provide immediate benefits on the platform. Security policies ensure the proper users can view, create, move, or authorize to purge documents. Employees can access their appropriate documents from their profile with ease and do not have to take time reaching out to HR first. Retention policies, in conjunction with retention periods, can determine how long to maintain a document based on regulations or company compliance. Combining these all together in a single application allows for effective document management by decreasing time and work costs to regularly maintain this level of organization. Additionally, features like a legal hold can be applied to automatically suspend a retention policy and prevent updates or purges. Other features include the ability to upload documents in bulk from third-party or local storage, as well as have a complete history of each employee document on the platform in the form of audit trails.

A major benefit of using this application is to improve efficiency through organization. To extend this ability, the Employee Document Management dashboard was introduced to display these metrics in a single location. It can view vital data about employee documents, like documents added in the last 30 days or employees without documents, along with the status of purges and legal holds. An additional plugin, the Performance Analytics – Content Pack – Human Resources Employee Document Management Scoped App (com.sn_hr_employee_files_pa), can also be activated to enable Performance Analytics reports and dashboards within this application.

Where do I get these capabilities?

According to ServiceNow, you should activate the Employee Document Management (com.sn_employee_ document_management) plugin with the admin role to access its capabilities. Doing so will activate related plugins required by the application. The plugin also contains demo data to utilize. If domain separation and delegated admin are being used, ensure the current domain is “global” upon activating the Employee Document Management plugin.  Additionally, if the Employee Document Management Bulk Upload functionality wishes to be used, it will require separate subscriptions to both the Orchestration (com.snc.runbook_automation) and ServiceNow IntegrationHub Installer (com.glide.hub.integrations) plugins. The activation of these plugins must be done by ServiceNow personnel.

Sources from ServiceNow Documentation:


